Book launch and screening with Carousell

Atelier Nord ANX, Olaf Ryes plass 2 (entrance Sofienberggt.)
Saturday 6th of January 2018, 7-9 PM.
Carousell was started in 2012 when the four video artists Felice Hapetzeder, Kristina Kvalvik, Marit Lindberg and Henrik Lund Jørgensen started discussing how much material they recorded, but never ended up using. The idea of doing a project together emerged and the artists decided to edit each other material. The result was numerous new works and the completion of several stranded films.
The artists will talk about their process, experimenting and new work at 7.15 PM.
The book about Carousell can be purchased at a discounted price during the launch-event. Graphic design by Andreas Nordström. Published by Konst och Television Förlag, Gothenburg.