Odes to Memory and Time: kortfilmer
av Margaret Rorison

Sted: Atelier Nord ANX, Olaf Ryes plass 2 (inng. Sofienberggt.)
Dato: torsdag 12.01.17 kl.19.
Som del av Margaret Rorisons mini-turné av Skandinavia, viser vi kortfilmene hennes i samarbeid med The Dream That Kicks.
Margaret Rorison er en kunstner og kurator fra Baltimore. Programmet som vises består av arbeider skutt på 16mm i perioden 2012-2016. Rorison er interessert i de instinktive aspektet ved hukommelsen og hvordan vi nedtegner rom og erfaringer. Arbeidene har utviklet seg fra utforskning av rurale og urbane landskap og undersøkelser av forbindelsen mellom tid og bilderammen. Lyden er skapt gjennom field recordings, kontaktmikrofoner og tydelig narrasjon. Arbeidene har blitt vist internasjonalt, inkludert hos Anthology Film Archives NY, Ann Arbor Film Festival, Edinburgh International Film Festival, Images Festival Toronto, VI & VII, Moscow Museum of Modern Art og The High Zero Festival.
Total spilletid: 70 minutter.
Gowanus Haze
2012 | 16mm to video | 5m | sound
The filmmaker returns to her old neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York. The footage captures a landscape known as The Gowanus Canal, once inhabited by a productive port and industrial compound. The soundtrack incorporates personal narrations as well as recordings of the filmmaker’s grandfather, of a lumberyard and wind with keyboards and projector sound.
2013 | 16mm to video | 9m | sound
This film documents a unique choreographed performance that took place one late summer afternoon in Patapsco State Park in Baltimore, Maryland. Choreographed by Clarissa Stowell Gregory and performed by The Effervescent Collective. Soundtrack composed by Josh Millrod.
Dark logic (2015)
2015 | 16mm to video | 5m | sound
An ode to the restricted space and surveillance in the skies.
Sound derived from a live performance by Mario de Vega
Shot in Los Angeles, Summer 2015
2012 | 16mm to video | 8m | sound
“…in complete consciousness I understood what for me walking travel and cinema had in common. Sometimes I preferred walking, that is to say, talking with my legs over
speaking, which is to say, walking with my mouth- but basically, it’s the same thing”
-Serge Daney
A film composed of extensive walks through Baltimore landscapes. The film has been hand edited like a poem, where cuts function like line breaks, working to establish inherent rhythm and meter.
2013 | 16mm to video | 3m | sound
This film documents long walks throughout Berlin, Germany during the cold days of April 2013. The film is edited in camera and composed of single frame snapshots along with longer moments of glance, captured on one 100’ roll of film. The title comes from a story by Robert Walser.
Funes el memorioso
2015 | 8mm to 16mm to video | 2m | sound
The final footage of a painter, slowed down to lengthen the memory.
Sound by Audrey Chen (voice and cello) & Flandrew Fleisenberg (percussion)
Lichtenberg Skies
2016 | 16mm to video | 3m
Studies of the Klingenberg Power Plant during a month long residency in Berlin. November 2015
Part II 16mm (34m)
The Birds of Chernobyl
2012 | 16mm | 7m | sound
This piece was originally made as a performance with a live collage soundtrack. This is an ode to my grandfather, Harry Bennett and our shared interest in solitude and landscape.
2014 | 16mm | 3 min | sound
A study of the wind turbines along the shores of Amager, Copenhagen. Triple exposed on one roll of color film, then finding four generations of grain. The soundtrack is a recorded live improvisation by artist Mario de Vega using unstable media and acoustic resonators.
Memory of August
2016 | 16mm | 5m | sound
A series of moments captured in room 139. Intimate spaces of time spent with my grandmother, Margaret during a month long recovery in a rehabilitation center in Baltimore, Maryland.
Smoke, shadows, gliding further when alone
2016 | 16mm | work in progress | sound
A personal document of the architectural landscape and formal beauty of the city of Baltimore. This piece is an excerpt of a longer work in progress called, Restoration of a Memory.
One Document for Hope
2015 | 16mm | 8m | sound
The sterile and procedural narrative of the Baltimore City Police Scanner on Monday April 27 against precious moments of gathering, celebration and protest in Baltimore from April 28 – May 3, 2015.
The Road to Kalmar
2015 | 16mm to video | 7m | sound
This piece is an ode to Anna Karlson, who was born in Kalmar, Sweden and immigrated to North America in 1909 to start a new life. She was born to a family of poor farmers, many of whom died early on. Anna moved to the United States by herself when she was 19 years old. The footage was shot in Kalmar, Sweden by her great granddaughter, Margaret Rorison 94 years after Anna left her homeland.
Soundtrack by Josh Millrod.