A one day seminar and associated artworks
Oslo Lux is bringing together leading practitioners and researchers using technology and light in new and dynamic ways. It aims to map out the leading edge in visualisation and immersive techniques combining light, space and interaction.
The event consists of a one day seminar and a public exhibition showing light-based artworks associated with the themes and speakers at the seminar. Both events happen at the Oslo School of Architecture and Design. Many of the speakers are internationally renowned specialists in their fields, combining practice and research to great effect in the areas of art, design and architecture.
Confirmed keynote speakers are UNITED VISUAL ARTISTS (UVA) and ANTI-VJ.
Other speakers include Adam Pruden (Research Fellow at MIT Senseable Lab), Timo Arnall , Squidsoup, HC Gilje, Marius Watz, Birger Sevaldson and Natasha Barrett, Stig Skjelvik and Kjetil Austvoll-Dahlgren.
Oslo Lux will provide a unique opportunity to build knowledge, experience new work and collect information from practitioners at the cutting edge of the field.
Earlybird price (until 30 November) is only NOK450 (250 with student discount) including lunch – but places are very limited and will be allocated on a first come first served basis. For tickets please visit http://oslolux.no
We hope to see you there!
Anthony Rowe and Ståle Stenslie
Oslo Lux