
På Olaf Ryes plass

Dates: 17.01. – 16.03.20
Opening Hours: Thursday and Friday 15-18, Saturday and Sunday 13-18
Location: Olaf Ryes plass 2 (entrance Sofienberggata)

Hans Petter Blad, Marthe Ramm Fortun, HC Gilje, Mai Hofstad Gunnes, Nora Joung, Hanne Lippard, Inger Wold Lund, Randi Nygård, Maria Sundby, Tone Leksbø Walgermo and Jana Winderen

Please join us for the opening on Thursday 16th of January 2020, 19:00. Hanne Lippard’s performance Akk, Sukk, Takk, Tikk will take place during the opening.

For the last year, we have been able to observe upgrades to the tramlines on Thorvald Meyers gate from our office on the third floor of Olaf Ryes plass 2. Birds, trees and people have been affected by noise, vibrations and physical barriers that have appeared as a consequence of the ongoing work. In what ways do these types of interventions and upgrades to local infrastructure affect our relationship to our surroundings?

The exhibition Signalfeil på Olaf Ryes plass (translator’s note: Signal Failure at Olaf Ryes plass in English) looks at the changes that can occur with these kinds of infrastructure upgrades, and how they might cause new movement patterns and connections. These changes don’t just affect the people in and around Olaf Ryes plass, but also the animals, machines and plants that live in the area as well as the ecological, economic and social networks that intersect the park and neighbourhood.

The term ”signal failure” is often associated with delays on public transport or infrastructure that doesn’t function correctly, but the main focus of the exhibition is the signal failures that are more subtle and difficult to perceive. Signalfeil på Olaf Ryes plass explores «failures» that can’t be described in solely positive or negative terms, errors that could be conceived of as belonging to both or neither category. This understanding of signal failure and connection errors involves systems within genetics, memory and neurology, but also linguistic misunderstandings, lights and Morse Code. 

Signalfeil på Olaf Ryes plass takes place from January till March 2020 and will include commissioned works as well as existing works adapted to the project. During the exhibition, there will be an extensive programme of performances, concerts and panel discussions. The art will not only be in Atelier Nord’s gallery space but also on the building’s facade, in the fountain in the park and our office. One of the principal ideas behind the project is to activate the building that houses Atelier Nord, the park and our local neighbourhood during the darkest months of the year. We hope that Signalfeil på Olaf Ryes plass will allow for new ways of reading and interpreting Atelier Nord’s immediate surroundings. 

Curated by Ida Lykken Ghosh and Mai Hofstad Gunnes. A publication including an essay by Sara Yazdani will be available in the exhibition.

Signalfeil på Olaf Ryes plass is part of SAMMENomGATA (2019-2021) an arts programme focusing on temporary art projects in and around Olaf Ryes plass. SAMMENomGATA is curated by Linn Cecilie Ulvin. SAMMENomGATA was initiated by Kulturetaten, Oslo kommune.

Thanks to NOTAM for lending us their sound studio.