Soft Technology – Workshop for barn og unge

Saturday 24th November from 11 – 16
at Atelier Nord ANX
Olaf Ryes pl. 2, 0552 Oslo

Would you like to make a t-shirt with lights that are blinking when someone touches your shoulder? Or a sun hat which plays a song when someone pulls your hair? Saturday 24th November is the day for this and much, much more! We will be using conducting materials to make our own interactive clothes and other soft projects. Bring your own piece of clothing, bag, teddy bear or hat which you would like to work on and develop. Learn how to sew a sensor and incorporate it in your piece of clothing. No prior knowledge is required and parents are welcome to join in and try.
Max 10 participants, age from 10 – 16. No fee, but NOK 50 per participant for materials.
Register within 15th November here.