The Dream That Kicks
Søndag 20.februar, 2011; kl.18.30
…. A counter-blast (and back-handed homage) to grim conceptualists and dry theorists, this months artists use wit as a strategy and humour as a weapon. Freud established that jokes were structurally akin to dreams in their use of condensation, displacement, representation by opposites, punning and ‘nonsense’. See it all here, and split your sides!
Ghosts Before Breakfast
Hans Richter
(DE /1928 / 16 mm / 7 mins)
A Richter film of pure Dada; outrage and humor without limits.
Hats, collars, drums, streetlights, fire hoses or the hands of dolls that are dislocated, targets, scales, are as vivid as branches, mice or eyes … Fantasies mobilize the «inanimate object» and make it the main character.
On The Marriage Broker Joke As Cited By Sigmund Freud In Wit And Its Relation To The Unconscious, Or Can The Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed?
Owen Land
(USA /1980 / 16mm /
17 mins )
ON THE MARRIAGE BROKER JOKE harks back to Bunuel’s early work. Not only is it structured like a dream and filled with sexual imagery, its an insider’s joke played upon the avant-garde. Bunuel used the insights of psychoanalysis to satirize Christianity; Land – with an almost equal perversity – reverses the process and uses Christianity to send up Freud.
Klipperty Klopp
Andrew Kotting
(UK / 1984 / super 8 to video / 12 mins)
It’s the sun, my son! Le soeil! Le soleil!
Kotting’s myth created on this filthy earth, in glorious Super 8 , its like Joseph Beuys on acid.
I Love You
Sarah Miles
(UK / 1991 / 16mm/ 1min)
A fugitive feminist in fur.
In her tragicomic fable the stereotypic bunny girl struggles for supremacy with the anarchic hare symbol of enlightenment and incarnation.
Worst Case Scenario
John Smith
(UK / 2004 / video / 18 mins)
A series of still photographs depicting daily life on a Viennese street corner.
The film re-orders and manipulates these images, and the static world slowly and subtly comes to life. Sigmund Freud casts his long shadow across the city, and an increasingly improbable chain of events and relationships starts to emerge.
Søndag Jan 23rd, kl.18.30, 2011
A programme of extreme animation with three of its best artists.
Martha Colburn’s animations charge the frame with such ferocity that it hurts. She uses filmmaking as a barbed and witty weapon to comment on popular culture, consumerism, politics and sexuality. Her work explores the guilt-haunted twisted history of the American soul.
Since the 1950’s, Breer has been making films that push aesthetic and technical boundaries. Incorporating variation, repetition, rhythm, and motion, his animations are moving collages, a mix of drawings, cartoons, photographs and ephemera from everyday life. Breer’s work varies from kinetic explorations of abstraction to poetic mediations on life and death.
Keen casts his friends in psychedelic celluloid romps – they dress up (and get naked) while acting out exaggerated comic book versions of themselves. There’s sex, nudity, cardboard ray guns, monsters, endless explosions of paint and other pyrotechnics.What’s not to love?
Spiders In Love: An Arachnorgasmic Musical
Martha Colburn
(U.S.A./1999 / 16 mm / 2.5 mins )
She-spiders dance and dash about with ghoulish and gorgeous expressions of lust and consuming hunger. Indications of death and life abound
Cartoon Theatre of Dr.Gaz
Jeff Keen
(UK / 1977-1979 / 16mm
12 mins)
A compilation with fragments of G-A-Z/indelible stains/ plastic BLATZ! With dr GAZ, Babyjelly, Madam heX, The Breathless InVestigator, DirtyDog, & ARt Ace the painter of History.
Robert Breer
( U.S.A./ 1961 / 16 mm / 3 mins )
One hundred basic images, switching positions for four thousand frames. A continuous explosion.
Martha Colburn
(U.S.A./ 2002 / 16 mm / 8mins)
Using found pornography and scratching skeletons over the footage frame-by-frame we see into a lust-filled Hell where the beauty of flesh is no more. Ass-licking bats, seething snakes, dancing lizards, and frightful females are the stars.
Jeff Keen
(UK / 16mm / 10 mins )
Three films together :
Swiss Army Knife With Rats And Pigeons
Robert Breer
(U.S.A./1980 / 16 mm / 7mins )
A typically bravura display of simple forms flashing, rotating, and dissolving into abstraction; a Breer classic.
Cosmetic Emergency
Martha Colburn
(U.S.A. / 2005 / 35 mm / 9 mins )
Adding breasts to soldiers and manipulating images of doll-faced women. This films’ creative vandalism deconstructs and anthropomorphizes typical images of macho and femininity.
I Love You
Sarah Miles
(UK / 1991 / 16mm/ 1min)
A fugitive feminist in fur. In her tragicomic fable the stereotypic bunny girl struggles for supremacy with the anarchic hare symbol of enlightenment and incarnation.
Worst Case Scenario
John Smith
( UK / 2004 / video / 18 mins )
A series of still photographs depicting daily life on a Viennese street corner. The film re-orders and manipulates these images, and the static world slowly and subtly comes to life. Sigmund Freud casts his long shadow across the city, and an increasingly improbable chain of events and relationships starts to emerge.