The Studio

Atelier Nord’s studio is a free service provided to artists looking to work with moving image, sound or web-based projects over a shorter period of time. The studio allows for a professional workflow in a studio-like environment.

The studio space is approximately 7 sqm and equipped with a M4 Pro Mac Mini, two Apple Studio Displays, external soundcard, studio monitors, headphone amp and headphones. We can offer a wide range of software including the Adobe Suite, Final Cut and Abelton. Please note that the room lacks soundproofing, so there are limitations on noise. The Mac and displays were last upgraded in February 2025 with support from Arts Council Norway’s equipment fund for shared workshops.

A typical stay in the studio last 1—2 weeks. longer periods are possible by appointment. Use of the studio requires that Atelier Nord is credited in the documentation of work produced during the stay. Atelier Nord does not provide technical support or training in the use of software.

How to apply

Send an email to if you wish to use our studio in April, May, or June 2025. Include 2–3 sentences about your project and attach your CV. Please specify your preferred work period, noting that residencies are 1–2 weeks long.

The application deadline is Thursday, 27 February 2025.

Register for our newsletter or follow us on Facebook and we will let you know as soon as we have set a deadline for applications.

Please note that the studio cannot be used as accommodation.


M4 Pro
14-core CPU
20-core GPU

2x Apple Studio Display
27″ 5K Retina-oppløsning

Sound card:
RME Babyface Pro

Headphone AMP:
Sonifex RB-HD2

2x Genelec 8040BPM

Thunderbolt interface:
Universal Audio Apollo TWIN

Adobe Creative Cloud
Acrobat Pro
Premier Pro
Logic Pro X
Ableton Live 10
Final Cut Pro

Previous Artists

Kirsti Grotmol
Linda Birkeland
Ben Clement
Tiago Bom
Anton Benois
Mor Efrony
Isan Maher
Lars Kjemphol
Taylor Smith
Johanna Ellen Rikhardsdottir
Mor Efrony
Anna Fabricius
Anders Vinjar
Mattias Hellberg 
Fatou Åsbakk
Anne–Liis Kogan
Robert Carter
Kristina Kvalvik
Rachel Dagnall
Anna Fabricius
Sive Hamilton
Ingrid Liavåg
Abirami Logendran
Annee Grøtte Viken
Yngvild Færøy
William Kudal
Hanan Benammar
Kaja Leijon
Petrine Vinje
Birgitte Sigmundstad
Yamile Calderon
Lars Laumann
Madelen Lindgren
Maritea Dæhlin
Yafei Qi
Ellen Henriette Surkhe
Eli Marie Lungaard
Lykourgos Porfyris
Kornelia Remø Klokk
Tina Khrylmann
Marieke Verbiesen
Guro Berger
Icaro Zorbar
Nora Adwan
Johanne Laache
Kjetil Detroit Kristensen
Yngvild Færøy
Eline McGeorge
Elie Maria Lundgaard
Andreas Oxenwald
Vidar Evensen
Sofie Amalie Klougart
Catrine Thorstensen
Birgitte Sigmundstad
Ida Nerbø
Vidar Evensen
Sofie Amalie Klougart
Beatrice Alves Lopez
Mor Efrony
Bernt Isak Wærstad
Tor-Finn Malum Fitje
Tulle Ruth Koefoed
Sara Guldmyr
Jason Havneraas
Jessica MacMillan
Øystein Wyller Odden
Carsten Aniksdal
Bernt Isak Wærstad
Leif Inge Xi
Ivar Smedstad
HC Gilje
Ingrid Solvik
Reidun Solvik
Helene Sommer
Randi Furuberg
Kjersti G. Andvig
Sean Snyder
Rachel Wolfe
Natalie Price Hafslund
Andrea Bakketun
Carsten Aniksdal
Eirik Arthur Blekesaune
Marit Silsand
Marius Presterud
Øystein Wyller Odden
Siri Hermansen
Damir Avdagic
Christine Malnes
Malgorzata Basinska
Kristina Kvalvik